Links in right-hand column are updated
I've updated the links section, which you can see beneath the "About Me" section in the right-hand column.
All links are working (as of September 2018) in these sections: Iraq essays, Foreign policy, Alcohol and other drugs, Media critiques, Humor/satire, Mixing sports and politics, Lefty rights in baseball, Hoop gems, Statistically speaking, Shooting analyses, Miscellaneous hoops, More on officiating and rules, and, last but certainly not least, Praise for my hoop insights.
Dozens of essays I wrote for from 2002 to mid-2010 were accidentally wiped out by that site's techies around the time it became a subsidiary of USA Today. Some of those essays had been pasted into pages at basketball discussion sites in China, Turkey and various U.S. cities, so those pieces live on in cyberspace and thus have live links here. The ones with dead links are relegated to the lower right corner under the heading "Great insights but dead links (for now)." You can see what the topics were, and maybe at some point I'll get around to creating live links for at least some of them.
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